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Introduction to Corporate Finance

This Corporate finance course provides a brief introduction to the fundamentals of finance, emphasizing their application to a wide variety of real-world situations spanning corporate decision-making, and financial intermediation.


What is Corporate Finance
The global financial crisis catapulted the previously uninteresting topic of financial regulation into the mainstream media. The crisis uncovered systemically poor industry practices that undermined every aspect of the financial services industry. The crisis stopped the mortgage industry in its tracks, devalued real estate, increased unemployment levels, and crippled lenders, banks, and commercial companies.

Financial authorities around the world were forced to implement radical overhauls to regulatory regimes that had clearly failed. The US was the first to act. The Dodd-Frank Act, also known as the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, was signed into law by President Obama in July 2010. The Act is the most comprehensive set of financial reform measures in the US since the Great Depression. It represented a paradigm shift in the US financial regulatory environment, affecting all federal financial regulatory agencies and almost every part of the nation's financial services industry.

Despite this, full implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act has been made difficult by the complexity of the law, delays in the publication of final rules by regulatory agencies, and efforts by lobbyists in Congress and the financial services industry to amend many elements of the legislation.
Why is this important
The Dodd-Frank legislation is substantial in its length, far-reaching in its effects, and impacts the regulation of financial services activities and how those activities are conducted by domestic and international market participants. The Act comprises 16 titles that address issues as diverse as systemic risk, investor protection, consumer finance, OTC derivatives, proprietary trading, and insurance (among many, many other issues).

This course provides detailed coverage of the elements of the Dodd-Frank Act that impact the regulation of financial institutions, including new offices created, capital requirements, and how the Act impacts credit rating agencies. The course also outlines elements of the Dodd-Frank Act that impact trading, including the regulation of OTC derivatives, the Volcker Rule, and the regulation of asset-backed securitization.
What You'll Learn
  1. Shareholder Wealth Maximization.
  2. The Pursuit of Shareholder Value.
  3. Financing and Company Lifecycle.
  4. Venture Capital.
  5. Private Equity.
  6. Equity Finance and Hybrid Capital.
  7. Short-term and Long-term Finance.
  8. Market Value Added (MVA).
  9. Shareholder Value Added (SVA).
  10. Cash Flow Return on Investment.

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Course Modules
Shareholder Wealth Maximization
Accordion Description
The Pursuit of Shareholder Value
Accordion Description
Choice of Finance
Accordion Description
Financing and Company Lifecycle
Accordion Description
Venture Capital
Accordion Description
Private Equity
Accordion Description
Hybrid Capital
Accordion Description
Short-Term Finance
Accordion Description
Long-Term Finance
Accordion Description
Share Repurchases (Buybacks)
Accordion Description
Market Value Added (MVA)
Accordion Description
Shareholder Value Added (SVA)
Accordion Description
Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI)
Accordion Description
Economic Value Added (EVA)
Accordion Description

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