The Comparable analysis is a valuation technique used by finance practitioners and professionals when attempting to derive the relative value of a company in comparison with publicly traded peers. A number of key financial multiples and ratios are used in comparable analysis, including earnings per share, the price-earnings ratio, dividend per share, and various other stock prices to accounting metrics.
You will learn how to perform the mechanics of comparable analysis. This involves determining the companies in a particular peer group and calculating multiples.
Why it is important:
This course will provide you with a firm understanding of how to forecast and model future cash flows, using the concept of free cash flow to the firm and to equity holders, thereby enabling you to arrive at a valuation for the company. You will learn how to cater to the growing and declining cash flows, calculate a terminal value, and perform sensitivity analysis on cash flow forecasts.
The course will also teach you about investing in scarce capital resources to maximize shareholder value.