Lesson series
Commercial Shipping – Practical Considerations
- Module 3
9 & 10 Dec 2024
Right and obligations under voyage charterparties
This program has been approved by the Hong Kong S.A.R. Transport and Logistics Bureau for inclusion in the ProTERs (Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme, Code MC101). This means that the Eligible Hong Kong Participants may apply for a generous 80% refund from the Government of Hong Kong S.A.R.
Total Duration
4 hrs
Sessions per Module
2 (2hrs each session)
2000 per Module
Advance your career
Session Timing
Course Topics
Review of key clauses of Voyage Charter, focusing on rights and obligation of contracting parties
Seaworthiness (CMA CGM Libra Case)
Berth/port charter parties & Safe Port/Berth issues
Arrived Ship, Readiness, Contractual obligations, Valid NOR and Commencement of Laytime
NOR tendering, retendering
Importance of Clause Paramount
Discussion on leading cases on NOR, Arrived Ship and demurrage
Voyage estimation, FVE and variance analysis
This program has been approved by the Hong Kong S.A.R. Transport and Logistics Bureau for inclusion in the ProTERs (Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme, Code MC101). This means that the Eligible Hong Kong Participants may apply for a generous 80% refund from the Government of Hong Kong S.A.R.
For more information on Maritime Skills+ Curriculum
LSF Global +852 95279124 | anamika.chhawal@lsfglobal.com
SkillsPlus +852 94686314 | info@skillsplus.sg
Lead Trainers Profile:
Mr. Jagmeet Makkar FICS
Independent Arbitrator